Scooter Planet

Tire repair

Een lekke of kapotte band is een veel voorkomend probleem. Schade aan uw scooterband is erg vervelend, zeker als u onderweg bent. Wij van Scooter Planet begrijpen deze ergernis en helpen u daarom het liefst zo snel mogelijk van uw problemen af. Wilt u meer weten over wat wij voor u kunnen betekenen of wilt u een afspraak inplannen om uw banden te repareren? Neem dan gerust contact met ons op en wij garanderen dat u snel weer de weg op kunt!

Scooter Pickup service

It is already annoying enough when you are on the road and due to circumstances you can no longer drive with your scooter. This may be because your scooter suddenly breaks down or because you have a flat tire. But how do you get your scooter back home or at a scooter garage of your choice? Of course you don’t feel like walking for miles with a broken scooter. With our special scooter pickup service, this problem is a thing of the past. We will pick up your scooter and make it completely roadworthy! All this at a relatively cheap price. So if you stand still with your moped or scooter in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, such as Diemen, IJburg or Amstelveen, don’t worry! We at Scooter Planet are happy to help you! Our courier will drive to you as soon as possible to pick up your scooter/moped and will then bring it to our workshop. We will repair it the same day. A fast, effective and efficient solution!

Tire Repair costs

The cost of a tire repair depends on the type of repair. For example, it may happen that you need a completely new tire or that our technicians only have to repair your current tire. The prices are as followed:

  • For a tire repair you only pay € 10.00
  • For a new tire you pay € 80.00 with us including mounting
  • For a tire set you pay € 150.00 with us including mounting

Why Scooter Planet for your tire repair

We at Scooter Planet are happy to help you repair your tires. Regardless of the type of repair, we will always work as effectively and efficiently as possible. If you need a completely new tire, you have certainly come to the right place. Because we have a large stock of scooter tires, you are assured of a quick solution. So you never have to wait long and you can quickly get back on the road. In addition, we only work with high-quality materials. This ensures that the tire repair will have the desired effect. Would you like to know more about what we can do for you? Feel free to contact us or make an appointment online.

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